ve g by victor perea gonzález from mexico
designer's own words:
What is Ve – g?
Ve –g is designed for people that are always concerned about things like being healthy, to be slim and also to enjoy fresh and delicious food, and wish to have a nice and fresh kitchen.
What do we want to obtain?
We want to give people living in 2020 an alternative to eat fresh food.
Ve –g is easy to use and nice to the look of the eye.
Ve –g wants to help saving the most energy that it cans,
Ve –g wants to help the world using more gel packs and less gas.
Function, use and composition:
For the storage of vegetables and fruits, no milk, no meat. The reason for this is that we believe that in the year 2020 fruits and vegetables will be considered like treasures (like in Japan).
Ve –g consist of a cool cylinder that keeps organic and macrobiotic food in good conditions.
There are 3 parts in ve – g:
Green Section: Green vegetables.
Section of the berries: Little fruits, that need more care.
Section all the fruit: Big fruits and vegetables that are difficult to damage.
the size of ve – g is:
High: 75 cm.
Width: (diameter): 45 cm.
Each cylinder: 18.5 cm diameter.
Cylinder of the mechanism: 15 cm diameter.
Important Materials:
All made in polycarbonate
The base is made of steel
Temperature sensors
It works thanks to a micro- freezer (nowadays used) that is connected to a compressor (like ones in now days), the cold is transmitted to 6 gel canals (carboximetilcelulose) and these canals keep the cold for approximately 50 hours. When the 50 hours have passed, the temperature sensors are activated and then the system of the micro- freezer turns on. You don’t have to change the gel. all the time the food is in good conditions thanks to the ozone, which comes from an ozonificator, it keeps the food without bad smells and germ -free