UTILITARIAN by simon enever from usa

designer's own words:

It doesn't take much research into door handles to realise that it is one of many areas in design where almost any form of lever imaginable has been attempted. The utilitarian handle realises this and approaches the task of being the perfect handle by adding a potentially much desired, but not seen before, feature.
The lever part of the door handle is easily interchangeable using just one screw, meaning the owners themselves can quickly and easily change the handles, whether for repair or for a change of décor, without needing to replace the entire handle. The replaceable lever section is designed to be made from a single material, using the most basic of manufacturing processes and no waste material, meaning that it can be made made of many materials such as cast Eco-concrete, machined recycled aluminium, bamboo, recycled plastics and many more. Because this piece is made from a single material and is not permanently welded to another, they can be easily recycled a the end of use.
The aesthetic of the door handle reflects the functional design, with pure shapes and a simple flowing form. The lever section masks the rose and gives the appearance of blending into the door to add to the feeling of letting the door handle do its job without distracting the user.

In place on door

copy_0_utility_front.jpg front perpective

copy_0_utility_2view.jpg front and top elevation

copy_0_utility_exploded.jpg exploded view