urfun lab storm water pipes

urfun lab storm water pipes by urfun from india

designer's own words:

'we are used to look at cities with a bird's eye point of view, whereby a lot of small details are overlooked or lost.
inverting this approach, urfun lab looked at a very specific situation of a city through a worm's eye view,
trying a small scale gesture that enriches the environment. this might not be affecting the whole city,
but as an idea to do so. storm water pipes are a common sight through the city and are eyesores
until they get buried. the ideal situation is where the evening's sun filters through the pipes to cast patterns
on the road. for our installation, all we did was cover these industrial pipes with colored cellophane paper,
turning them into a vivid public-art installation instead of allowing them to remain as ungainly stacks by the roadside.
it is meant to be a symbolic gesture on how to respond to our immediate environment. this spontaneous act was carried out
by a handful of urfan-lab volunteers on a lazy sunday morning in the city of surat, where urban art is still an unimaginable phenomenon.'

urfun lab: storm water pipes urfun lab storm water pipesunsightly storm water pipes stacked on the side of the road urfun lab storm water pipesstorm water pipes with a burst of color urfun lab storm water pipesthe urfun lab team with their public art installation urfun lab storm water pipesthe urfun lab team with their public art installation urfun lab storm water pipesurfun lab with the finished installation