urban acupuncture

urban acupuncture by daniel sacristán contreras from spain

designer's own words:

Reenvisioning suburbia:

By starting a new green network based on new services that can admit small program related to every-day life, suburbia gets to live for itself. These new soft planning interventions supply different facilities, creating islands in the neighbourhood.
An associated itinerary connects the user to the islands so there is no problem to find a place for the requested aim : work, transport and leisure life.
Long distance trips are replaced by short journeys back and forth from one group centre to other.
The network starts at facilities cores linked to the highway and get through scalar ramifications to small units in the residential area.Services such as daycare centers, post offices, retail
stores, coffe shops,etc. easily connected through lightrail transport or bicycle lanes in suburbs will save a lot of money per household each year in trips.
Functions are gathered together in nearby areas.
The strategy is acupuncture where punctual
developments will change the overall living outline.

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