ur bee

ur bee by giorgio gaviraghi from italy

designer's own words:

Urban green personal transportation system
The proposed design consist in a transportation system composed by:
-a personal vehicle moved by electric engines attached to each wheel
-a street side service facility to allow stacking the car when not in use while charging its batteries
The vehicle is ultralight consisting in a ribbed platform sustaining the seats and the folding body , connecting the wheel transmission to a joystick type of command, and to each electric wheel engine.
The platform is surrounded by an anticollision system consisting in rubber fascias with small inner springs.
The car body is built with a plastic form that includes the windshield in the front and photovoltaic films in the top , to generate additional power during the utilization with transparent plastic film windows for visibility.
It rear part and the front one can be folded manually while not in use to reduce the storage space needed while the batteries are charged .
The batteries are automatically removed and put under charge while the car is stored and , before departure a charged battery is installed automatically in the car.
The storage facility is movable by truck and consist in a steel structure box , 7m long, 1,5m wide and 2.2m high for capacity for 10 stored cars with photovoltaic panels and wind power fans in the top oriented to receive the sun’s rays.

In the top are also located the batteries that are constantly charged by the power generated by the solar panels and windmills.
Inside a crane system allows to store the cars and an automatic release system to pick the batteries of the incoming cars for recharge while at the exit the departing car is loaded with a charged battery.
The cars should be property of the city transportation administration and leased to approved and registered users on a mileage cost basis. Cars cost, for mass production system should be around 1000$.
Storage facilities can be located in streets where needed and movable ones when particular locations have special requirements .
In such way the system will allow affordable personal transportation in a city with minimum size vehicles, based on entirely renewable power generation system eliminating air pollution , reducing traffic and parking problems and allowing consumers to use cars for mainly urban utilization .

urban green transportation system

copy_487_02.jpg system procedure

copy_407_03.jpg ur-bee vehicle