
unit by r. nicholas ames from usa

designer's own words:

during the struggle for sovereignty at home, a teenager retreats to their bedroom.
they do everything there.
they sleep, they eat, they relax, they study, they entertain.

lives in constant flux, they demand frequent change, and what no longer suits them becomes waste.

enter uNit:
a flexible system of uniform parts that can be arranged in a variety of ways to suit every need. these pieces have no prescribed function; they are objects as furniture. manipulation can create one large unit, or enough furnishings for an entire room.

assembled, uNit outfits a room as one's own personal space; adding functionality that can change on a whim.

the timeless functionalism of uNit resists obsolescence. uNit will follow teens as an essential part of their home into the future, therefore creating a culture of use and maintained possession rather than one of exhaustion and disposal.

uNit flexible furniture system overview

unit2.gif uNit flexible furniture system parts

unit3.gif uNit flexible furniture system example