"under pressure" by bas van raay from netherlands

designer's own words:

in search for balance bas van raay transformed an object, that's normally under pressure, into a spirit level. the spirit level is a metaphor for finding balance in a hectic western lifestyle.

the kettle is the first in the 'under pressure'serie. the object is hand blown out of borosilicaat glass. later the object is filled with colored distilled water untill a little bubble of air is left over to create the spirit level. the black circle on top makes sure that whatever you want to have level is level. the little black valve keeps the inside pressure in balance.

design and sketch by bas van raay, website: www.basvanraay.com

represented by karena schuessler gallery
photo's by lisa klappe

under pressure

underpressurespiritlevel.jpg spirit level

underpressuresideview.jpg side view

underpressuresketchserie.jpg the under pressure serie