Ultimately Made by You

Ultimately Made by You by massimo mini I designboom from italy

designer's own words:

the pencil is one of the most very basic tool for creative purposes - drawing, writing, sketching...- and my idea was to represent it in the moleskinerie logo to suggest that every product offered by moleskine - and so the new blog itself - are equally necessary tools to give voice to our creativity and spread it. the unusual way in which the pencil is drawn, that forms the letter "m" that stands for both moleskine and moleskinerie, wants to give the idea of something personalized and suggest that each of us can really distinguish himself/herself by making an original use of any tool, no matter how basic, common or standard it might be, and develop by means of that his/her own unique style. Ultimately, creativity is made by you - as the blog is made by your legends, your stories, your adventures, your pieces of arts.
the logo works in one or more colors - no reason why it could not work in any color - in black and white, reverse out, and as a relief
