
Tzin by Isa Velarde from mexico

designer's own words:

Tzin is a concept of in-ear wireless earphones, their main objective is subtlety and discretion. They provide the commodities of being wireless plus the in-ear advantages.
By being ring shaped, once the user is done using them, he or she can assemble the two earpieces together to form one ring to wear around the finger. This way the downside of their size, the possibility of losing them, gets minimized.
Tzin is the suffix in Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs, that expresses both a title of honor and a diminutive. The Aztecs believed when something or someone was able to “become small” by getting rid of everything that was not necessary they would find their true essence, achieving wisdom and a title of honor.
Tzin represents the beauty of simplicity, and this is what the earphones aim to achieve by concentrating on its main function, listening to music, and by subtle communication with the user through the hidden led light that is only seen when the earphones are on.
My personal interpretation of anticipation is reflected on the way Tzin earphones interact with the user. While not being used they remain turned off and placed around the user’s finger like a simple piece of jewelry. By separating the two earpieces, they will automatically turn on, as they know this means they will be used as earphones. Also, Tzin detects when the battery is running low and informs the user through a red light. With this simple but important characteristics the earphones achieve a communication with the user that allows them to know, to foresee, to anticipate.
The earphones connect to the desired device (music player, computer or mobile phone) through bluetooth technology. They use sensors to detect when the two earpieces have been separated and when there is a battery shortage.
Made out of plastic, the earphones are light enough to be comfortably placed inside the user’s ears as well as to be placed on the user's finger.

Tzin is a pair of wearable wireless earphones
Tzin earphones are easy to use
While not being used as earphones Tzin can be worn as a ring
Two different colors