
twister by ruben cabanillas from spain

designer's own words:

a rectangular section is extruded from the beginning to the end of the handle, altering its main axis to suit the different requirements of the element, since the encounter with the plane of the door which intersects perpendicularly to the free end, where is applied a 90 degrees rotation from its original position.
the straight section has a geometry, proportion 3:1, which allows it to be grasped comfortably and also helps its multiple use, either as a handle or as a lever to facilitate the use to everyone, grabbing or just turning it.
a continuous material to a continuous section. the formal precision of steel develops itself strictly to conform the sinuous curves generated by iteration of the mother section.

geometric definition

2_construction_diagram_twister.jpg construction diagram

3_perspective_image_twister.jpg perspective image 1

4_perspective_image_twister.jpg perspective image 2