turnlight by Agnese DalPont from italy
designer's own words:
tURNlight transforms the Urn from a simple ash container to a generator of emotions, radically changing the common concept of it.
tURNlight is built with the ash itself to obtain a more profound contact with the deceased.
The “contact” takes place on two levels: a physical level through the touch of the urn surface and a spiritual level, using the subconscious of the REM sleep, in which we are accompanied by a gradual shutdown of emitted light.
It is scientifically proven that dreaming helps to overcome grief and painful memories.
"The stage of sleep in which we dream has an unique neurochemical composition that gives us a sort of night therapy, like a soothing balm that removes the most painful moments of emotional lived experiences." (Matthew Walker, Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology)
The light emitted by tURNlight across holes in the surface reflects the soul of our Dear one and creates an immersive atmosphere thanks to the special lighting effect. It helps to feel closer the beloved dead one and it helps you to live the grief of his/her loss more peacefully.
The ignition of tURNlight takes place simply by stroking the glass base, which uses the technology of capacitive touchscreen, evoking the gesture of caressing the beloved.
The environment is gradually illuminated by a soft light that helps introspection and gently brings the person to sleep.
During REM, the desire to communicate with the beloved grows stronger and tURNlight lets you to feel his/her presence again inducing a serene awakening.
This process helps the gradual overcoming of loss.
tURNlight is composed of a cap made of ash, held together by a minimum cement compound, on which holes of variable size are made.
The cap is installed on a frosted glass support equipped with capacitive touchscreen technology. Inside, the lighting element can be switched on and off with a circulation effect thanks to a timer that controls the switching.
conceptdiurnal view and detail[jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/373119/2013-04-16/video_1_1366150728_121f3d252b248f025f34c648b0c6aedc.flv” html5_file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/373119/2013-04-16/video_1_1366150728_121f3d252b248f025f34c648b0c6aedc.flv” download_file=”https://static.designboom.com/wp-content/compsub/373119/2013-04-16/video_1_1366150728_121f3d252b248f025f34c648b0c6aedc.flv”]video
nocturnal view
nocturnal view
nocturnal view of the room and the entire atmosphere