Tunnel Traffic Mirror

Tunnel Traffic Mirror by YI-HSUAN HUANG from taiwan

designer's own words:


A lot of long tunnels exist all over the world, especially places featured with mountains such as Taiwan.The narrow lanes and narrow sights are the major problems which might cause accidents in the tunnels.

Take Hsuehshan tunnel in Taiwan as an example, accident usually happens because the driver can’t see the traffic condition ahead. Even when driving slowly, rear collision which causes casualties still happens frequently because the reaction time is too short.

In addition, a single accident can cause a huge traffic jam in the tunnel. This will bring so many troubles to the travelers who need to stay on schedules. The related economic damage could be even greater.

Tunnel Traffic Mirror

This “Tunnel Traffic Mirror” is a set of long and narrow reflection device composed by mirror glass plates. It provides the perfect wide-angle sight for the drivers to learn the traffic condition ahead from far away and effectively avoids the traffic accidents in the tunnels.

Alarm indication signal lines are positioned on the top and bottom of the mirror to guide the drivers in focusing their eye sight on the correct direction.

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Tunnel Traffic Mirror
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Tunnel Traffic Mirror
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Tunnel Traffic Mirror
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