Tsuru -Marigold kimono pattern by shabari raje from italy
designer's own words:
My kimono is inspired by the bright marigold flower & the mythical Japanese bird tsuru.
One believes the tsuru lives for a 1000 years with one & only one mate. The tsuru is considered a symbol peace, love & commitment. An ancient Japanese legend believes folding a 1000 orginami cranes will grant you a wish or eternal good luck.
Marigold represents celebration & vitality, thus making it an essential component of Indian festival & celebration.
My kimono pattern is modern, minimalist take on these two traditional symbols in two ancient cultures .
Tsuru Kimono full visualization
Furisode Kimono – Tsuru pattern
Furisode- pattern 2
Tsuru -marigold motif
Motif- Color Options
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