trio module

trio module by cristina pulido from spain

designer's own words:

the goal was to create a modular piece of furniture to be customized by the user. we wanted to create a versatile, intelligent piece for the user to interact with. this project came to our mind after playing with rusian dolls, then we incorporated the idea of a self contained interactive module to the initial brief. we imagined a bookshelf that could be expanded depending on the objects and utility that the user determines for it. it can grow if the user buys more books or it can be closed if some of the objects in it are removed. at the same time it works as an adjustable book rack holding the books when you close or open the module. adding modules to the system generates more interactivity for the bookshelf because each module can be opened or closed individually. we created several configurations with trio and the shapes are very appealing and entertaining. we propose three different color palettes playing with the background color of the module and the wood material; one for children, one for young adults and a neutral option. for the construction of the modules we utilized walnut and oak plywood of 1 1/4" thickness with an interchangeable background depending on the color palette chosen. for the opening and closing function we’ve designed a custom rail that allows the sub-modules to move. this is an aluminum rail screwed to the wall where the first sub-module is attached to it by screws and the other two modules are attached to wheals that are positioned to slide in the rail. having the first sub-module fixated to the rail and the rail itself secures the whole system supporting 52 kg of weight.

trio module

dimensions_mm_closed.jpg dimensions in mm / closed module

dimensions_mm_open.jpg dimensions in mm / open module

copy_0_rail.jpg rail design

copy_2_configurations.jpg possible configurations with two modules

trio_nin771os.jpg trio use example