Translator to Physis Walking

Translator to Physis Walking by Sangeun Lee from korea

designer's own words:

We do not walk anymore in this city life.
There are multifaious transportaions moving around the city such as bus, subway, taxi, motorcycle.
City people use these various transportations even for a short distance that they can walk easily
And therefore, the street is full of smoke and noise. Now it’s time to get off from machines. Time to use our own legs.

Human beings have evolved to walk in the natural environment.
Early anthropoid primates had lived and got their food easily in the tropical rainforests. As the climate was getting arid, however, more and more rainforests decreased. And all these ‘natural vending machines’ were not available any longer. Now they left their home and range the plains to find trees and plants for food .
Instead of going up and down the trees, human beings started to walk around the barren grassy plains. Their movement changes from the 3-D one to 2-D one.
So actively in the human brain when they walked the meadow greatly expand the volume went to.The human brain has developed to optimize the natural environment when walking as the most active brain activity that has proved true.

We don't want to walk in the city.
of the economic efficiency, and growth. This 'concrete jungle' is not a good enviroment for a healty and plesant walking. People get tired and bored easily in the monotomous street with many tower blocks or tenement flats made of brick and concrete.
The natural enviroment, however, is very organic and unpredictable system. The human brain has developed while moving and interacting in the nature. This means, the natural structure can give us the most ideal circumstance to activate our body and brain.

To pedestrians TPW provides a visual element the beautiful natural environment on behalf of the city walking in here.
The pedestrian space that is located close to the building in 3-D imaging, roads, automotive, street facilities and trails, trees, rocks, soil, water and converts to natural factors.
The urban area could be converted into comfortable and fine circumstance to walk along. We can also ensure the safety of pedestrians by replacing such as cars and things with similar natural objects.


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