TOFU:H House

TOFU:H House by tomonobu higashino from japan

designer's own words:

The site is facing the shopping street leading to the Hikone castle from Hikone station in Shiga.
The owner wanted a cafe space on the first floor, so the approach was needed to the third floor.
Considering the daily uses, the grand stairs were surrounded gradually around the building.
We adjusted the level of the grand stair to the existing level of the arcade. As a result, creating a facade that was incorporated arcade looks interesting.
The stairs are not only for vertical movement, it can be used as a continuous private outdoor space with different heights.
For example, it can be a children's playground, garden, drying place and so on.
The owner manages a Chinese-style cafe on the first floor.
We placed Toilets and Cooking space under the stairs,therefore seats area could place square and also tables can be laid efficiently.
The garden is located on the back of the store,so there could have a comfortable space through their eyes.
The interior uses the wood which has good affinity with a concrete, giving the impression of comfort.
The second floor has the room of a parent households, and the third floor is the room of the child household.
The interior of the house has given the warmth of wood using a plywood OSB.
We used the polished OSB plywood,so the plywood became smooth and the wood became abstraction like using wood chips.

arcade and stairs

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