tivoli volume poster

tivoli volume poster by ricardo macieira from portugal

designer's own words:

When creating a poster to be in display in Time Square you must realize that your audience ranges through almost all cultures and nacionalities, so, the easy understanding by people who might not have a in dept knowledge of english must be a very important factor.

So, taking this in acount the concept behind this poster was creating a relationship between the growth of Tivoli in this 10 years and the universally known symbol of the Volume Meter Scale.

The Volume meter symbol used was taken directly from the new Model 10 screen and the scale was replaced with the Tivoli years of existence.

The strong points of this poster are it's easy comprehension and the direct conection between the growth of the company in the years they are in business and the fact that this connection is made possible by an international known music symbol used in Tivoli products. The poster simple and clean layout is also a reference to it's products simple-to-use products design.


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