
timid by douglas snider from usa

designer's own words:

Teenagers are stuck in a dissonance between wanting to fit in with their social group while striving to discover and express their own personality. Clothing, music, and technology are the language in this individual vs. homogeny duality. In steps, a smooth, sleek furniture line that takes the background and integrates individuality and technology. It is TIMID…Technology Integrated, Modular Individualized Design. Because of its modular frame and panel plug ins, the pink fuzzy fur paneled bedside table you had when you were 14, becomes the sleek, clean lined bookshelf in your college dorm, where the ipod plug-in panel sends your favorite tunes to the wireless speaker panel at your desk or bedside table. A coffee table in a study area can separate and become seating for friends. The modular frame can be manufactured easily, while 3rd party manufacturers can be given rights to create the panels that can range the gamut from dvd players, franchise marketed imagery, or picture frames to be filled with images by the consumer, the ultimate personalization.

modular frame

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