Timegate by weijia qi from china
designer's own words:
In the future, there will be a growing amount of people using social network to record their daily life. Unlike human, virtual data stays on Internet, forever. And this time, when we design the architecture, we have it in mind.It reconstructs a kind of new spatial experience and combines the virtual data of the dead with the real space, which enables the living to experience both his whole life and existence while mourning the dead.
As a new-style graveyard spatial architecture, Timegate takes full advantage of the change in sunlight angle of a day, from sunrise to sunset. This ensures the photo of the dead placed within the glasses of the tomb can be reflected onto the ground throughout the day. The space helps to transform sadness of the living into good wishes and recall of the dead. The timegate gives the living the sense as if their relatives were still living in the world.
main view
situation concept
design concept
schematic diagram
three views