Time to Shine

Time to Shine by Kawisara from thailand

designer's own words:

“Speed” and “Making time” seem to be familiar words for anyone who has a lifestyle in the modern society. It is somehow important for their lives in the competitive environment. However, this perception has posed a negative effect to their mentality. Thus, it comes to my realisation that time will no longer be the only thing which guaranteed an access to a better quality of life for the new generation because people tend to resort to mental happiness as a new source of wealth. Therefore, my design is not limited to just a clock that functions as a time telling, but it also gives feelings and emotions that are capable of touching one’s soul to make one feel more at ease and at peace when looking at the time.

Spotting a rainbow in the sky is said to be one of the best moment that gives either a child or an adult a feeling of happiness. Rainbow is a precious light phenomena with multicolour effect caused by reflection, refraction and dispersion of lights passing obliquely from one medium into another in different density, i.e., air and water. Inspired by this natural phenomena, I follow the same principles by using water, mirror and LED light to create my own rainbow.

When LED light (or the white light source) travels by passing through air and water, the light bends and causes 7 beautiful hidden colours of lights which are dispersed in different angles. Then, those colours will appear through a mirror reflection. In addition, this rainbow effect can have a movement if the water surface is hit in ripples.

Having developed from the process mentioned above, I designed “Time to Shine” by using an inspiration of a beautiful effect of rainbows to function as a time telling, a lamp and an atmosphere creator. By installing the rotatable mirror in the middle of water glass container and setting up LED light on the top create the rainbow beam in different angles which can change as the angles of mirror change. The rainbow beam in each angle can tell times like the angles of normal clock dial as well as provide brightness and emotions to the space. In addition, the mirror installed in the middle has two faces. On one side, it is a normal mirror that produces a 100% reflected image but another side is a black-tinted mirror which produces a subtle reflection to create a character of “Moonbow” –a rainbow produced by the light reflected on the surface of the moon representing the mood of night time.

Therefore, in the morning the normal-mirror side faces the LED light to reflect the rainbow beam at 6:00 am, then the angles of mirror gradually rotate until 5:59 pm. Subsequently, another side of mirror, black-tinted mirror, is turned over to face the LED light as the period of night time begins and until 5:59 am the side of mirror returns to the normal mirror and the whole cycle proceeds again.

The materials used in this design are neutral and transparent in order to amaze the users with the colourful phenomenon. The components include water, a sphere glass container which has a slot to insert the mirror, and a clear acrylic for the base which is divided into 2 pieces for the installation of a glass container and a small controller device in between.

“Time to Shine” offers a nice break from a hectic world and take us back to a beautiful memorial that creates happiness within our mind – discard the boredom of looking at the time and convert it into the feelings of peace and harmony as watching the time proceeds.

“Time to Shine” is a rainbow creation object functioning as a clock, a lamp and an atmosphere creator for happiness and peace within people’s mind.
Time to Shine
The process- developing from natural principles of reflection, refraction and dispersion of light, this design creates a beautiful rainbow beam which is capable of rotating angles through 360o like the clock dial.
Time to Shine
“Rainbow” represents the effect of sun with 100% reflection from a normal mirror and “Moonbow” represents the effect of moon with 50% reflection from a black-tinted mirror.
Time to Shine
Time indicator- normal mirror facing LED light at day time creates a rainbow beam between 6:00am. and 5:59pm while black-tinted mirror turn to face LED light at night time creating moonbow beam at 6:00pm.-5:59am.
Time to Shine
Dimensions and details- The components include water, a sphere glass container which has a slot to insert the mirror, and a clear acrylic for the base which is divided into 2 pieces for the installation of a glass container and a small controller device in between.