Time phantom

Time phantom by Talal Alkhori from jordan

designer's own words:

“Anticipation” people relates to it as the sixth sense, the ability of knowing in advance, it stands on the edge between two worlds; reality and the metaphysical one, that could be expressed through a nonphysical forces as time and gravity, time and wind and time and heat, the relation between mathematics and beauty through proportions. Anticipation offers a soft landing and a sense of satisfaction of either a positive or a negative feelings and emotions to a long or a short term of future events or actions, as a state of anticipation to the participator it’s a state of dense tension as a frozen moment of motion.
Time phantom is a wall clock influenced from the ocean waves, a surface with a various topography celebrating the dynamic image of water liquid state with mesmerizing and fabulous sounds for a reason had been a mystery for several ages before finding its relativity with the moon.
Through hiding the clock scorpions under a tightened surface defining a tension points on the surface, changing its expected topography identifying time through protrusions and a theatrical appearance of light and shadow.
A ring of reinforced fiber glass and a membrane circular surface connected to it though a stitching detail using a fiber glass wire and stretched over two beams of a bird wings shape also connected to the ring, where the clock machine is based in the intersection of the two beams with an exterior of organized LED lights with a timer to shine after the sunset and to fade at dawn with a rechargeable battery, two fiber glass arrows with a sphere heading to define a smooth motion over the membrane; one for minutes and the other for hours.

Time Phantom
Time phantom
Diagrammatic process
Time phantom
Design layers