Tiik Tak by gu-sun Kim from korea
designer's own words:
In today’s society, there are many products that need to be charged, such as cell phones, digital cameras, and MP3 players. For the majority of these rechargeable goods, 3-5 hours are good enough to be fully charged. However, most of the users leave them on the chargers for more than 5 hours and up to even a day while forgetting about it. Furthermore, the process of recharging takes time during the long-hour outings or at night, while the user is asleep. This also exceeds the standard charging time, wasting unnecessary electric energy. To prevent such actions, this product has a timer function added onto the outlet, so that one can set his or her desired amount of time, and it will automatically block out energy beyond that point. To set the desired time into the system, the button—on the upper-right corner of the timer—is used. The button adds 30 minutes by each push and when it goes over 5 hours, the timer automatically goes back to 0 minutes. Once the charger begins to work, the user may focus on different activities while still being able to check on the remaining time. Also, the centre of the display screen used LED, designed for night-time uses as well. The product’s name—TiiK TAK—expresses the sound of which the button makes and the feeling of the product when plugging it in and out. Tiik TAK is designed to save the amount of the wasted energy people do not usually acknowledge.