THROUMBA HANDLE by stathis stylidis from greece

designer's own words:

the original purpose of throumba handle's design was to detouch the part of the handle that we crab with our hands, from the wheel of the handle. these two, now separated, parts are connected with two new ones. a linear part that is "locked" on the wheel and one more dynamic that barely touches the main handle. the idea was that the main handle should gine the feeling that it is floating in the air now that is released from the wheel. if you look at the final design of throumba handle and its mirror image (that would be the handle on the other side of the door) it looks like a spaceship from science fiction movies. throumba handle is made of metal except from the main handle that is made of plastic.


stst2.jpg line drawnings

stst3.jpg perspective view

stst4.jpg perspective views

stst5.jpg perspective view/ different colour