Three Dimensional Music

Three Dimensional Music by Henry Caird from new zealand

designer's own words:

Three Dimensional Music is a product that translates the music listening experience into physical movement. Music brings the object to life, as the surface physically responds to the input of music. The speed, direction and amount of movement is defined by the digital data of the song that is playing. The user experiences music through multiple sensory modalities, as the can see and feel what they are listening to.

This project anticipates an increasing trend towards tangible products in the digital age we find ourselves immersed in. Tangible items are often perceived as be more valuable than intangible items. Music has progressed from physical formats of vinyl, tape, CD to the intangible mp3. However, sales for Vinyl are currently reaching all time records, with a 20-year high in 2013, up 33% from 2012. Vinyl owners share the opinion that “vinyl is an experience in the first place, something that can’t be said for most digital audio.” The digital format has scarified the rewarding experience in return for convenience.

Experimentation and prototyping drove the direction of the project through giving form to the digital format. A prototype was developed as proof of concept. The prototype consisted of six stepper motors, linear mechanisms, stepper drivers and an Arduino. The Arduino and stepper drivers were able to control the speed and direction of the motors to simulate the input of music.

Three Dimensional Music is an audio player that is showcased in your home as an object of beauty. It acts as a stand-alone audio player with the integration of sound bar technology, which simulates surround sound. Music wirelessly connects to our smart devices allowing the user to control music from anywhere in the home. To create a more immersive listening experience, Three Dimensional Music is able to communicate with external speakers placed around the home.

The frame is designed to be unobtrusive, as it creates a boarder around the surface to houses the motors and electronics. Hole perforations in the circular direction refer to the archetypal nature of the speakers placed behind the grill. This creates an aspect of familiarity with what is an unfamiliar audio product. Ventilation is hidden on the top and bottom of the frame to allow cooling to the motors and speakers. The flexible surface is cast from a pourable polymer with a Shore A 10 hardness to allow the mechanisms to be moulded into the surface. This creates a strong join and clean exterior skin.

‘Three Dimensional Music’ wall speaker
Three Dimensional Music
‘Three Dimensional Music’ visualising music

Three Dimensional Music
‘Three Dimensional Music’ hole perforation details
Three Dimensional Music
‘Three Dimensional Music’ in the home context
Three Dimensional Music
‘Three Dimensional Music’ exploded view
Three Dimensional Music
‘Three Dimensional Music’ prototype