THREE by LIU from germany

designer's own words:

The name of my project is called THREE. THREE is a oled lamp, composed of three oled panels, of which each piece can be rotated singularly. The user can freely array the panels and regulate the brightness depending on taste and need. A MagSafe charge element allows the consumer to separate the lamp from the holder. THREE can be used in a variety of environments. Three can either be hung as a up chandelier or installed as a wall light. The maximum wingspread is reached in a alignment of 180 degrees and measures 600 mm. The diameter of each panel is 120 mm. By the link in the centre, the light elements can be moved in variable angles to set the desired light situation. The panels are made out of plastic, the poles and the holders out of metal.

View from top and bottom, when THREE hung up as a chandelier
Due to the MagSafe charger the lamp can be removed
THREE installed on the wall and variety of possible angles
THREE presented aligned with different combinations of the panels
Illustration of THREE with various combinations of panels and angles