threading the logo

threading the logo by Hamish Mclachlan from new zealand

designer's own words:

a moleskine object is made to become a part of your personality, a medium for your expression, a platform for your creativity. simple tools, which are well designed, beautifully made, they are ready to be incorporated into your everyday life and also for more extraordinary uses. when designing a masthead for moleskinerie three factors influenced the design. simplicity, formality and adaptability.
the logo incorporates a simplistic approach. as a spine of a book holds together the pages of a moleskine, the masthead holds the pages together of a website. using this mentality the final form references a weaved piece of string in the form of text. complimented with the logo of a black rectangle with two rounded corners, a silhouette of the product.
the moleskinerie website masthead aims to take a step back to allow posted stories and images be the main focus of given web pages. the logo gives breathing room to whatever is displayed much like moleskine book; the user gains creativity by the use of a conservative formal logo.
Due to the simple nature of the logo, it is able to be adapted into any blank sheet and be inverted for black backgrounds.


copy_12_moleskinerie02.jpg development

copy_11_moleskinerie03.jpg development

copy_4_moleskinerie04.jpg final

moleskine_final_shot.jpg in context; moleskine

moleskine_screen_shot.jpg in context; moleskinerie