think take make green by Pais Joana from portugal
designer's own words:
This projects consists in a way of publicizing the green care and nature in a simple and joyfull way, using normal publicity stands.
The slogan "THINK TAKE MAKE GREEN" tells exactly what it is, wich means the person can take a plant for free and plant it in the street or at home. The stands have a pot, with real plant bulbs, of different tipes, from small plants to trees. The leave of each different plant starres in each poster. There is an explainatory text and bulb illustration to present the plant, and to give all kinds of curiosities and information about it, since the origins, to the care needs and therapeutical uses.
The pot that comes outside the publicity stand, is filled with soil that keeps the bulbs alive and lights the led lamp, that gets energy from the plants.
There is another stand, bigger, inaccessible to people, that holds a real tree, to call the atention in a joyfull appealing way.
think take make green