ThinK Lighting

ThinK Lighting by Yeo Dongjin from korea

designer's own words:

I watched OLED's new technology through Youtube. I was deeply impressed that there are two key technologies, which are fairly thin and close to solar power, and that it is good for improving concentration, and I wanted to create a lighting that maximizes those two benefits.

The ThinK lighting combined Thin and Think is freely adjustable through three joints and two pairs of connections. It is symmetrically folded, making it easy to move and store.

Various colors will capture consumers' hearts. Finally, it was made easy for injection and prototype production, and the manufacturing process was also strengthened.

ThinK Lighting
ThinK Lighting
Near-Sunlight and thin
ThinK Lighting
Adjust desired angle
ThinK Lighting
Symmetrically folded
ThinK Lighting
Extremely thin
ThinK Lighting
Various color
ThinK Lighting
Exploded view
ThinK Lighting