the youth fashion centre in industrial building

the youth fashion centre in industrial building by bosco so from china

designer's own words:

The project we are going to conduct this year gives me an invaluable opportunity to fulfill my aspiration and to design a fashion retail centre. Associated with my observation, research and experiences living in Hong Kong, I have a conclusion: Our city is just blindly imitating other developed countries’ fashion styles.

I think Hong Kong people have not truly identity themselves and thus fail in resenting the city. For those who lack the sense of self-consciousness are not able to experience the space of life, gave me the idea to design an ‘event & stage’ as a fashion retail shop.
The infrastructure should be able to deal with both the site nature; the High-ceiling, long narrows space and the possible stage, outstanding view and infinity spatial opportunities on the Industry building. The design is produce to illustrate the distinctive charter of town to provide a good reflection for locals.

Fold Entrance

01_display_1.jpg Fold display area

04_stage_2aab.jpg Fold your self – stage