THE TWIST by eduardo carranza from uk

designer's own words:

concept one: use of recycled glass. it helps to save energy. it helps in the manufacture of brick and ceramic; it conserves raw materials, reduces energy consumption and reduces the volume of waste sent to landfill. the handle could be made totally of recovered glass from household and commercial waste. it would be suitable for interior and exterior use. the process of recycle involves the transformation of waste glass into cullet to then thermally form it into ‘new’ glass.
concept two: 'glows in the dark'. this idea comes from childhood where the presence of light in the dark made us feel more secure, like for example when the door was slightly open at night. through phosphorescence the aim is to create an element of reference and orientation within the darkness of a room at night or entrance.
study case: phosphorescent cast glass.
luna is a unique cast glass building material that contains a phosphorescent chemical, absorbing light during the day and glowing for hours at night. luna is manufactured using glass recycled from car windshields and is ideal for bar fronts, tops, feature walls, floor applications, or any interior or exterior area. it is made from crushed glass, phosphorescent chemicals, and binders. applications: interior and exterior floor and wall surfaces, accent or pathway lighting, partitions, screens, fixtures, and furniture.


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