The spoon that you can feel the ice cream to be more delicious!

The spoon that you can feel the ice cream to be more delicious! by kei from japan

designer's own words:

There are a problem we have to solve.Is there no way to eat ice cream more delicious?
Now, I have a solution for the problem.
It is the spoon having charm of ice cream.

At the beginning,as one of the charms of ice cream, there is a coldness.
By frosting the acrylic spoon, we express coldness.

To the second, All ice cream has different taste and color.
These colors sharpen our appetite.
We express a color of the ice cream with shiny silicon.

Finally the shape of the spoon expresses a feeling of sizzle.

It is the suggestion of a spoon wanting to eat ice cream without ice cream.

ice cream spoon
The spoon that you can feel the ice cream to be more delicious!
Various taste
The spoon that you can feel the ice cream to be more delicious!