the space we wear by Matsuura Hiroki from japan
designer's own words:
A small architecture : a cloth turns inside out and makes phenomenal space.
Wearing it from 5 holes (collar, cuffs and turn-ups), we feel that our senses is in another world, but leaving our body. So special is a casual action (seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting), by wearing the space and recognizing it actively
Now in the information age, Marshall McLuhan said that IT lets our body extend.
Ubiquitous computing also do in the scale of architecture. On the other hand, the growth of internet shopping and social network removes communication and action from our life. But the more IT develops, the much more important is actual space and encounter.
This proposal is a space-building device and an interface which connects the body with the space. We can reconfigure our body and senses with embodiment like a cloth.
Kanshitsu is both its structure and surface finishing. This traditional craft for forming is the hemp cloth layer hardened by urushi lacquer (Japan). It is what is now called FRP, fiber reinforced plastics.
The concept is realized by the unusual matiere of urushi lacquer and the state of seamless conversion of a cloth into an architecture.
first drawing
exterior image
interior image
concept image of senses in the phenomenal space
modeling study for my graduation work in Graduate School of Architecture, Tokyo University of the Arts
my urushi lacquer work