The Social Network Bank by Dani Callegari from argentina
designer's own words:
Future banking will be a collaborative social network, where the client becomes partner in the development of open source products and services, interacting with the network through his user profile
Collaborative social network
Clients/Partners will get in contact to develop finance projects, products and services.
Open source products
Future Banking will provide structure and resources for their clients/partner to develop open source products which will fit exactly their demands and necessities of the network
Users profile
Chip card will contain user profile and may be used with any kind off device. Each user will define his profile depending on the way he would like to interact with the network
App, E-Card, Meeting Point
The Application
Will be the way of communication between partners. Through this media the bank will communicate with users and give support with his human resources and structure.
The bank will provide to the partners a chip that could be used as a card or in any technological device. It will contain his financial informations, and will give access to his user profile and a mobile phone number.
Meeting point
To integrate the branch experience with the social network, partners will have access to bank meeting points.
Component: The App
Module: Social Network
Module: Tools & Profile
Component: E-Card
Component: Meeting Point