The Second Skin by SecondSkin from colombia
designer's own words:
What is it?
Pieces for the woman body, created by silicone and natural fabrics, they are inspired by human tissues that are underneath the skin and cannot be perceived. These pieces become an extension of the skin, allowing to see what nobody can see.
The curiosity is transmitted by the way natural and industrial materials coexist, creating structures for the human body. These pieces reveal human tissues, which are perfect but invisibles, and transform them into organic weave:
The second skin.
Dermhis Collection
DERMHIS understand two different and complex systems and join them in a simple object that materializes the union. We also understand the eco luxury as part of an extra value that extends into a whole life style; using and re-using materials and creating objects of luxury, is the way we lead tendency and a design challenge. The DERMHIS collection pieces are made to be used in parts of the body that normally are "hidden", in order to make visible this parts, the pieces understand the human shapes and create harmony with their surroundings.
Experimentation with plaster
The experimentation goal was to recreate the ideal appearance of the piece and its adaptation to de body. In spite of the fact that the fabric resulted a little bit thicker than we expected, the silhouette worked very good.
Experimentation with natural fiber
MACRAMÉ (hand made technique): It is absolutely viable obtaining fibers from plants and doing crochet and macramé (knots) with them.