the roto stacker

the roto stacker by milauni desai from usa

designer's own words:

Mysterious, playful, compact, multifunctional...these personifies the roto stacker. A teenage furniture piece, made from wood, creates interest as its design makes it multifunctional yet mystic. A vertical 7'X1'6"X1'6" cuboid is cut in alternate sides and is pivoted and detachable from its bottom unit. This unique piece of furniture can be used by both teen girls and boys for stacking a range of stuff like speakers, cd's, books, clothes, display items in their own style. Thus following the teen expression of freedom and showiness, not consuming much of space and above all mobile, which gives them the freedom to re-arrange their 'room view' quiet often, addressing their prime phase - transition.


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final_c.jpg use in room