the orb the motion of design

the orb the motion of design by Mark Azzopardi from australia

designer's own words:


We are in a current state of ‘quickening’, a state where technologically and sociologically we are advancing at an extremely rapid rate. Physically, mentally and emotionally we are in a constant motion, adapting to the ever-changing environment around us.
This entry concept explores the current speed of our technological evolution and its impact on the design. Will future generations still admire the stillness of a 19th century painting a hundred years from now or will our psychology demand a more dynamic and interactive form of art and design?
The Orb explores the notion that given further advances in technology, shape memory materials and silicone-based intelligence, design will become intuitive, user responsive and predictive. User intelligence will become the single most influential factor in design.
The orb is a response driven alloy sculptural concept shaped by the nature of daily events. Driven by a smart phone application, which records a user’s daily movements and activities, the orb provides an interactive sculpture that transforms and takes shape in real time. A simple smart phone application designed to accumulate data on a user’s movements, positioning, vibrations; impact recognition, pedometer and phone usage data would provide live feeds.
The orb then responds and gives a visual interpretation of what is happening around us in real time adaptations as it morphs from states of passive through to states of agitated form in accordance with data provided. At any stage a user can see their influence on the orb whilst at the same time downloading live updates of its current form.
Although the existing state of technology and artificial intelligence would most likely render such project improbable, it’s realisation can currently be adapted to a virtual or holographic level.
Given this state of change and reflection the orb aims to bring forward a reflective like nature and extension of social being in an attempt to highlight a state of awareness and visual contemplation.
“The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival” Aristotle.

THE ORB NON-AGITATED STATE 0.000 the orb the motion of design THE ORB AGITATED STATE 0.001 the orb the motion of design THE ORB AGITATED STATE 0.002 the orb the motion of design THE ORB AGITATED STATE 0.003 the orb the motion of design THE ORB AGITATED STATE 0.004