The Note of M

The Note of M by sencer özdemir from turkey

designer's own words:

For long years; Moleskine was the most important item for lots of people with bright ideas.People spilled their worlds of dreams, ideas and souls to this paper pages with hard cover. Moleskine is a brand that observes the birth of many newer, greater and beyond-its-age ideas through years.
Because of that; we are introducing "The Note M" logo. "The Note M"; is a stylistic form that makes you remember what Moleskinerie name means. The unique form that inspired from the iconic hard cover of the notepad promises you a door to new ideas, like a classic moleskine notepad. An abstract image of the notepad's angled form creates a stylistic M letter: Moleskine is the only name when people see the notepad and the M letter all these years. Logo's angled form is not only a reference to a 3d image of the notepad's silhouette; but also a reference to the many Moleskine owners in the past: An accelerating form that reflects the birth of an idea that is beyond its age, like its bright minded owner who pioneers. And for last, the strap reference on the cover brings an important image to our minds: My ideas will be protected and remembered forever under the pages of a Moleskine.

The Note of M 1

818x818.gif The Note of M 2