The Moving Hanged Support by zhang jian from china
designer's own words:
This design may satisfy the youths to wilfully change layout of the furniture in the room, the youths may choice the modulation furniture according to their own likes, fix them hanging on the "U" shape’s supports, freely move in the grid shape tracks.
On the roof can install grid shape tracks, gap size 50CMX50CM, the "U" shape’s supports installs in the tracks, and away from ground hanging 45CM. The track of four corners for round-angle, then, the hanging "U" shape’s supports may change the horizontal and the longitudinal direction in round-angle place.
The end of round-angle place which on the roof with grid shape tracks has the mounting hole, the "U" shape’s support may in slipping by insert track from this mounting hole. Hanging support for hollow, may lay down the power source, the telephone and the network, and can connection with the power source, telephone and network which on the roof with grid shape tracks.
After combined effect
Track and hanging support
Partial structure