The mobile tube

The mobile tube by de Bellefroid Marie from belgium

designer's own words:

The mobility of the teenagers acrolein obviously. That is to go one week in parents, in the event of broken up family, or in a friend, the banked-up beds move more and more. Technology evolving/moving with great step they have objects more and more(reader mp3, Gsm, mini disc..) the idea is thus to imagine a flexible furniture of arrangement and mobile which would meet the needs for the With this intention, I imagined a series of six tubes in which the banked-up bed could arrange a series of objects. Each tube can be transported only if displacement is of short duration. If displacement is longer one can attach two tubes to so on transport them together and for teenager according to his displacements. If the teenager does not move during a time, the tubes are rather rigid that to hold right against a wall or in the medium of a room for thus being used as more sedentary furniture of arrangement. To carry are cupboard with either is thus the goal to seek, one will not have more to transvase the businesses of the cupboard to the bag but well, by a simple system, to take "the cupboard" and from to go away.

Technical explanation For a tube (first image) the tube is built out of hot cast matter polyurethane in a cylindrical mould. The liquid matter will be rigidified in 30 seconds, it is then necessary to let dry and then unmould. For a cover the cover is designed out of matter fabrics and with the exact size of the polyurethane tube. This cover is a closed cylinder on the two sides. In each closing a slit is which makes it possible to pass the object to be arranged. With the top, below, on the left and on the right of the cover pull knobs are bent which allow all the tubes of zipper between them several possible manners. Each cover is provided with a handle. This one is a pull knob so that it easily can zipper with the pull knobs of the cover, to make it possible to take each tube individually. A large handle is also provided to be able to take some several to see all at the same time.

