The Last Dance of the Soul by ON from slovak republic
designer's own words:
Water is more natural for a human being that it could appear. Almost 75 % of the whole human body consists of water. It is therefore really appropriate for the body to be perserved after the death in the form of water. Connection of water from the human body and a thermosensitive chemical compound in the accurate ratio and consistence enable creating an impressive effect. The liquid will be poured down into the hollow vitreous tomb possessing a shape of a block stone full of pure water. After lighting up the candles under the tomb, they will activate the thermosensitive liquid that will begin to lift up and change colours as a result of the warmth. When the liquid at the top of the tomb get cold it descends back to the source of the warmth. Water circulation shows itself as an impressive dance of the soul in front of our eyes.
There is a name, year of birth and a year of death inscribed on the vitreous wall of the tomb. The tomb stands on the stony basement in which there is a place for candles. The tomb can be used separately as well as in the repetitive module.
The Explanation of the process of burying.
Description of the tomb concept and his model.
[jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”” html5_file=”” download_file=””]
Activities of the thermosensitive liquid.
The Example of the floating liquid with the ability of changing colours in the tomb.
Visualization of the tomb.
[jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”” html5_file=”” download_file=””]
The effect is very impressive and can be experienced with lighted candle at the funeral and then with each ignition.