The Future We Want: Drop by Drop

The Future We Want: Drop by Drop by gregory cornwell from belgium

designer's own words:

we are asking europeans to create a newspaper ad that inspires others to preserve water now and for future generations.

water is life’s most precious resource. those of us who have it, take it for granted.
change begins at home -- drop by drop.

ads should contain positive messages that, for example, could show what people can do in their daily lives to preserve water, to what we can do as communities, countries, and as global citizens.

the ad will be used as a public service announcement to be published in major european print media and other outlets.

the submitted work must include the "drop by drop" campaign logo. language versions of the logo in original colours, negative or in grey scale are available for download. please see below for details on prescribed size of entries and how to use the logo.

submissions should take into account the Background information on the united nations' conference on sustainable development, and what is known as the "green economy".

the deadline for submissions is 29 february 2012 at midnight.

Drop by Drop logo

tfwwdbd_en.jpg DbD par of the United Nations Future we Want campaign