the elegancy of Moleskinerie

the elegancy of Moleskinerie by jonas jonas from indonesia

designer's own words:

this is my logo design...and first i wanna talk about the philosophy of this logo design!
the colors...why i use the black and some golden color pallete?
black : the black colors represent the elegancy and solidity of your company,it shows strength of your company,and give the impression of elegance and grace!
gold : this color was taken from the precious metal colors that symbolize luxury,and wealth!so this colors represent that your company will grow bigger and from time to time,and more wealthier than any previous years!this colors also showed eternity for your company,and loyalty for your consumer!

and then why i use the curves thing above the book?
i use that curves to show your company efficiency!that your company will do anything to satisfied your costumer in any hard conditions and circumstances!

the heart logo in the middle of the book and "M" word in the middle of it:
it represent that your company loved your consumer and wil understand costumer need,whatever they call!your company showed love to your consumer,and your consumer loved your product too!

and why i use a book and some circle curves in this logo?
a book itself represent your company...
the circle means that your company is solid from time to time...
the curves show your company efficency to satisfied the costumer needs!

and why i do not use any textures in it?
the textures i think will ruin the solidity from the colors!i just want to show the colors solidity and your company!

so that's the philosophy from my logo,i hope you like it,and sorry for my bad english!enjoy :)
