the cow as an icon of indulgence

the cow as an icon of indulgence by kurt rogler from usa

designer's own words:

as a minimal approach to the 90th anniversary logo, my idea recognizes the laughing cow as an icon rather than just a brand. i utilize this minimalism as a formal symbol that emphasizes the product's superiority. one doesn't have to learn the brand name because they already know it, whether from buying the product or from the long held tradition of feasting on this delight. i simplify the name to put emphasis on the icon. l(cow)qr is sleek, modern and fast, while (cow)90 represents the longevity of the product that speaks of quality and delight, however in a masculine and appealing way. for typography, i focus on a font that represents the delight of the individual product. the soft rounded letters contrast their formal bold statement to deliver thoughts of deliciousness while inviting indulgence.


laughing_cow_2.jpg abbreviated title

laughing_cow_3.jpg year only

laughing_cow_4.jpg 90 years of

laughing_cow_5.jpg face only