The Cool Bank by Better results from portugal
designer's own words:
The bank of the future is not limited to saving money and managing investments.
It will be a store of financial products that the customer (and future client) can join/buy in a simple and easy way.
It will be present to assist in all matters involving money (since the management of payments in which various entities participate to obtaining loans with recourse to the community - in which the bank acts as Governor; as do eBay and Amazon, for example, with vendors).
This bank will make use of technology to be present whenever necessary, to facilitate interaction, to create greater empathy with the client.
Will be increasingly digital to facilitate the physical life and empower The client.
And, let's not forget, every digital interaction has a footprint. That can be analysed. That will ultimately bring knowledge and value to the bank.
A Bank as easy to use and understand as an app store
A Bank that helps and acts as a regulator. Even when he cannot lend money
A Bank that helps the client manage his “shared payments” (step 1)
A Bank that helps the client manage his “shared payments” (step 2)
A real digital Bank; sharing, video, social, real-time