the carrier pigeon

the carrier pigeon by danilo calvache from colombia

designer's own words:

Imagine a carrier pigeon, who carries that written message from one place to another, a bird in its flight brings those phrases you expect. A pigeon that takes you anywhere these phrases, notes, poems.

Moleskine and Moleskinerie take your sentences, notes, poems anywhere. Simple but clear lines inspired in hand writing create a specific font for the text, same as the symbol of the dove, quite simple.

moleskinerie – the carrier pigeon

copy_14_moleskinerie_2.jpg the carrier pigeon logo

copy_9_moleskinerie_3.jpg the carrier pigeon logo – size sample

copy_4_moleskinerie_4.jpg the carrier pigeon logo – icon

copy_4_moleskinerie_5.jpg the carrier pigeon logo – color background test

copy_4_moleskinerie_6.jpg moleskinerie – wallpaper