the button

the button by erno reinikainen from finland

designer's own words:

at first, i started thinking of what could happen when moleskine's famous notebooks and calendars turn into digital form. from the scratch it was clear to me that moleskinerie's logo needed to be familiar to moleskine users, but with a twist. because we're talking about a blog, which is a part of our everyday digital life, i began to think what would be a good symbol for that. i tried to avoid all the worn out digital symbols such as @-sign etc. and ended up drawing a simplified keyboard button that could be used as a part of the logo. another idea was to replace moleskinerie's text logo's letters "o" and "i" with a zero (0) and number one (1), because everything digital is basically series of those two numbers. i sketched all my ideas with a pencil onto a plain paper sheet and finished designing in Illustrator.

the well-known moleskine logo typeface plus a keyboard-button-based “e” letter at the end, which tells about the blog’s digital environment.

copy_0_moleskinerie_logo_2.gif the well-known moleskine logo typeface plus a keyboard-button-based “m” letter at the top, which tells about the blog’s digital environment.

copy_0_moleskinerie_logo_3.gif the well-known moleskine logo typeface written inside a keyboard-button-based graphic symbol, which tells about the blog’s digital environment.

copy_0_moleskinerie_logo_4.gif the well-known moleskine logo typeface with “o” and “i” letters replaced with a zero “0” and number one “1”. Everything digital is based on a code that looks like series zeros and ones.

copy_0_moleskinerie_logo_5.gif a typeface that imitates low resolution (72 ppi) effect with “o” and “i” letters replaced with a zero “0” and number one “1”. Everything digital is based on a code that looks like series of zeros and ones.