The Black Diamond

The Black Diamond by MAC design from netherlands

designer's own words:

The Black Diamond

The black diamond is an experience lab where a motivation, mixed with the curiosity, will be created for people to find their way to change and to create a big leap in their lives.
The experience will be created by using the human senses and their imagination. The user will feel the experience and complete the experience with their imagination to make a long lasting memory.

Why the Black Diamond?

In our research for that mysterious factor, which can changes people’s lives, we have found that there are a lot of things which can help people in different sectors, but not directly changing their life. It may make it easier, smoother or more beautiful than before, but for a short time.

We were looking for something different, which can make thorough changes in people’s lives. By digging deep to find that factor, we have found that the major change of people’s lives start by themselves. But in which way we can support people in the process of changing their life? We have found that it is the motivation that is the most effective tool to changes the life’s of people. First you have to be curious to be motivated. The spark of curiosity is the right moment to be captured and to be memorised in the brain, so they can always remember that curious moment and to be motivated to change their lives.

Artistic and Technological Quality

The first step in our experience is to get people’s attention. We do this by using different factors.
The Black Diamond is an experience lab, where we applied different techniques and technological solutions that go hand-in-hand with Lexus design. The Black Diamond has a shape of a diamond with hard edges. The outside will be colored matte black.

In daylight the surfaces of the diamond will be moving up and down to simulate mechanical parts. This simulates a certain feeling of functionality within the diamond. It arouses curiosity. When night approaches, the LED lights on the edges of the diamond will take over and simulate meteors shooting through space.

The second step of our experience starts from within, which will be presented by an inner wall that is filled with small LED lights. This will create a big surrounding screen where we can apply our message.
The idea of the experience is to create a sphere of curiosity mixed with the right amount of motivation to help people and support them in their changing process. This because we are curious creatures and we want to motivate that. We want that people keep asking questions and searching to find answers.

Changing people’s life

So we want to let people know that they’re capable to change their life and their surroundings. By creating memory codes we create an unforgettable experience.
By using digital effects mixed with music, voice, sounds and visual effects. We create an environment where we’ll make contact with the subconscious and feed it with words, sentences, feelings, sounds and motions. In some point in the future, when the user reads, sees, hears or feels the used words, sounds and motions, these memories will come back with all the experience and emotions they experienced that day. And then they will think back to this day and make a choice based on these memories.
These memories will motivated the user and remind him/her of what he/she is capable of.

We try to achieve the highest result by creating enough motivation for better changes in the people’s life.

The Black Diamond
The Black Diamond
The Black Diamond 3D
[jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”” html5_file=”” download_file=””]

The Black Diamond
By Day
The Black Diamond
At Night
The Black Diamond
[jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”” html5_file=”” download_file=””]

The Black Diamond