terra preta

terra preta by kiersten muenchinger from usa

designer's own words:

Terra Preta is an appliance that composts your food waste: greens, grains, even meat and bone, and your paper and bioplastic scrap, into beautifully rich top soil. The Terra Preta composter grinds these raw materials, aerates them in a consistent 60-65°C (140-150°F) environment for 10 days and sifts the results into a collection basket. The soil produced is coveted for houseplants and gardens. Or, it could simply be discarded, reducing the mass of your household waste by 40%-70%, reducing its methane production by 75% and sequestering its carbon. Your Terra Preta appliance greens your home and improves your greater community.

terra preta family and community

terra_layout2.jpg terra preta composting use

terra_layout3.jpg terra preta components