Temporary Shelter for Refugees + Tracking device by akesari from united arab emirates
designer's own words:
The current refugee crisis is the biggest we have encountered, even bigger than the World War II migration. Refugees from Syria arrive on flimsy boats, anticipating a better future in Europe. And often, they are not provided temporary shelter facilities, and are forced to seek refuge on railway platforms and underground subway crossings.
We propose to provide a temporary shelter for them when they land on the shores of Greece, that is easy for them to dismantle and assemble with ease. This package will be provided to them by the UNCHR, and will cater to four people/shelter. The package will contain one CRS (Chromatic Refugee Shelter) and a tracking device that will tie the four people together.
The shelter, made of ETFE (Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene), sewn with thermochromic colour-changing material, will respond to weather conditions, alerting its inhabitants of impending rains, enabling them to move to higher and safer grounds. The tracking device consists of a simple velcro band that is tied onto the kids’ wrists to keep them from getting lost. Each band is connected via Bluetooth to their parents’ phones. And they will be instantly alerted if the child is lost or under water.
Our proposal
Concept Design
Detailed Design
Tracking Device Design