teach yaa

teach yaa by luis exiquio ruiz martinez from mexico

designer's own words:

Our concept aims to create awareness and promote "green habits" in the people through a basic items for recycling: Garbage collectors.

This collectors composed by laminated bamboo and recycled polypropylene, provide information regarding the recycling of garbage trough a digital display equipped with a memory with wireless connection and where it stores data from internet and its internal tilts, places where the garbage bags .

The modules can be use in any kind of places and can be combined with each other depending on the level of segregation of garbage that everyone can or wants to waste.

The Teach-yaa includes a compactor for cans and bottles in the “face” of the module for inorganics, aluminum and plastics.

The Teach-yaa can be dismantled into its components for a more intense cleaning. In fact, its components can be recycled separately at the end of its useful lifetime.

